Free Pincushion, Pincushion/Thread Catcher,Armrest Pincushion Caddy Patterns:

LOG CABIN Chicken Pin Cushion!!!
thanks for the pdf link to the Ocean Waves Quilt Guild and to the photo of a pincushion, made and featured at the "The Chicken Run" Challenge Group..see lots and lots of chickens!!
Riley Blake website:
↑ Tried folding rick-rack for the comb, too. So cute, makes me smile.
"Hen Party Chicks."
You've got to admit, they're adorable ~ Don't they just make you smile?!
You've got to admit, they're adorable ~ Don't they just make you smile?!
I think everyone should have a basketful of these cheerful chicks.
Printable Instructions HERE
2 identical log cabin blocks, 4" x 4" (3 1/2" x 3 1/2" finished); 1 square 2" x 2" of ... Lay down one log cabin
block, right side up, as illustrated with the dark half of ... Fat
Quarter Bundles, Original Quilt Kits, Quilting Fabrics & FREE Quilt Patterns
Chicken Pin Cushion from QuiltingWorks.com above...
Chicken Pincushions with Thread Caddy Nests...below
Chicken Pincushions with Thread Caddy Nests...below
Other Creatures of All Kinds!

Dragonfly Pincushion (and Needlecase)
Birdie (mini)
Blow Fish
Busy Bees
Country Mouse
Hedge Hog
Kitty Kat
Lady bug Pincushion with goody-goody
Little Turtle
Turtle Love
All Shapes, Sizes, and Things Pincushions!
Making a Wrist Pincushion "With Heart and Hands"


Anna Marie Horner Wild Flower Pincushion
Children Can Make this Needlecase from Nini!
Cupcake pincushion by Crativity Amongst Chaos
Doughnut Pincushion Tutorial by Fave Crafts
Sea Dreaming:Crazy Quilted with Beads and Shells Pincushion
Autumn Pincushion
Busy Bees
Embroidered Pincushion
Embroidered Tomato
Hand Embroidered
Mason Jar
Pin It Heart
Embroidered Pincushion Heart(for the multi-talented)
Fantasy Mushroom Pincushion
Flower Pincushion from Love to Crochet & Knit
Flower Pin Cushion (&Scissor Holder) from HGTV.com
9 Patch Pincushion
9 Patch Square Hang Up
Basket Weave
Boxed Out
Faux Cathedral Window
Folded Star
Hexi Pincushion
Pinball Swirl
Pincushion Trio
Pin Blossoms
Pouf Pincushion
Skinny Pincushion
African Violet
Amish Puzzle Ball
Antique Bonnet
Cottage Pincushion
Country House
Doily Pincushion
Double Pincushion Flower
Dress Form
Eyeball Pincushion
Flower Power
Flower Pot
Framed Pincushion
Glamper Camper
Hexie Pincushion
Homespun Hearts
Large Bottle Cap
Mod Flower
Pretty Package
Primrose Pincushion
Ride Along
Scallop Edge
Simple StarSpools Pincushion
Square Deal
Tea Pot
Tiny Tuffet
Tree Stump
Tree Trunk
Valentine’s Day
Vintage Spool
VooDoo Doll
9 Patch Square Hang Up
Basket Weave
Boxed Out
Faux Cathedral Window
Folded Star
Hexi Pincushion
Pinball Swirl
Pincushion Trio
Pin Blossoms
Pouf Pincushion
Skinny Pincushion
African Violet
Amish Puzzle Ball
Antique Bonnet
Cottage Pincushion
Country House
Doily Pincushion
Double Pincushion Flower
Dress Form
Eyeball Pincushion
Flower Power
Flower Pot
Framed Pincushion
Glamper Camper
Hexie Pincushion
Homespun Hearts
Large Bottle Cap
Mod Flower
Pretty Package
Primrose Pincushion
Ride Along
Scallop Edge
Simple StarSpools Pincushion
Square Deal
Tea Pot
Tiny Tuffet
Tree Stump
Tree Trunk
Valentine’s Day
Vintage Spool
VooDoo Doll
Fruits and Veggie Pincushions of All Kinds!
From Quilt Story and Moda Bakeshop: Pea Pod Wrist Pincushion!
Strawberry: You may remember seeing charming strawberry pincushions like these in your grandmother’s sewing box.
Fabric Tomatoes: Free pdf template to download.
Fabric Tomatoes: Free pdf template to download.

4-Squares Patchwork: This pincushion is a simple patchworked number, four squares on each side, with a button detail in the centre. Easy Peasy.
Patchwork: Bold fabric, zany buttons, and quirky ribbons elevate the practical pincushion to new heights of style.
Patchwork: Bold fabric, zany buttons, and quirky ribbons elevate the practical pincushion to new heights of style.


Miniature: Each one is like a tiny version of a larger quilt, but they are a lot quicker to make.
Doily: Either make doilies yourself, or buy them at a thrift store, garage sale, or anywhere else you can find them cheap. The doilies used here are around 4″ diameter.
Doily: Either make doilies yourself, or buy them at a thrift store, garage sale, or anywhere else you can find them cheap. The doilies used here are around 4″ diameter.


Cupcake: Sweet design sewn with fabric and trimmed with ric-rac.
Easy Patchwork: These are fairly easy, take about an hour, and it’s a great way to use up little scrap pieces.
Easy Patchwork: These are fairly easy, take about an hour, and it’s a great way to use up little scrap pieces.


Hex: Trimmed with fabric binding, includes a template to download.
Tea Cup Flower: You’ll need enough scraps of fabric for 10 tea cup circles.
Tea Cup Flower: You’ll need enough scraps of fabric for 10 tea cup circles.

Berry: The use of woollen yarns and simple stitches make this a quick and easy project to create. Free pdf pattern download.
Simply Geometric: It is made up of circles, squares and triangles. Simply geometric!
Simply Geometric: It is made up of circles, squares and triangles. Simply geometric!


Mushroom: Fairly simple project that requires a bit of sewing and a hot glue gun.
Giant: These are super simple to make and adorable! They come in handy around your sewing room and work as great gifts for sewing friends.
Giant: These are super simple to make and adorable! They come in handy around your sewing room and work as great gifts for sewing friends.


Dainty: Create a bouquet of cute little flower pincushions, made with pretty fabric, fusible interfacing and oval kraft paper box.
Moda Love: This pattern makes two pincushions, so you can share the love!
Moda Love: This pattern makes two pincushions, so you can share the love!


Button Center: With this pincushion, now you have a cute and colorful landing place for all of your sewing pins.
Homegrown Tomato: Stitch a robust heirloom variety in loosely woven linen or cherry tomatoes in dainty gingham.
Homegrown Tomato: Stitch a robust heirloom variety in loosely woven linen or cherry tomatoes in dainty gingham.


Bari J. Pincushion: Free pdf download available.
Adorable Pumpkin: It’s a basic design that we’ve seen before but embellished with a colorful green leaf and curling grossgrain ribbon, make sure to use some bright orange patterned fabric and voila! you have a sweet pumpkin.
Adorable Pumpkin: It’s a basic design that we’ve seen before but embellished with a colorful green leaf and curling grossgrain ribbon, make sure to use some bright orange patterned fabric and voila! you have a sweet pumpkin.




Yo-Yo: Make yo-yo’s from scratch or with a yo-yo maker for these cuties.
Teacup: Made with vintage teacups.
Teacup: Made with vintage teacups.


Pod Flower: Sweet little cushions made with felt.
DIY Owl: An owl shape is made out of modeling clay and then a small fabric pincushion placed in the center.
DIY Owl: An owl shape is made out of modeling clay and then a small fabric pincushion placed in the center.


Wraparound: A wraparound pincushion that fastens onto your sewing machine keeps pins in place and at your finger tips.
Scisscors fob from West Michigan Quilter
following directions of friend, Barb Vis
Petit Strawberry: A simple yet pretty pincushion you can attach to scissor handles, a rotary cutter, whatever else you like.

following directions of friend, Barb Vis
Petit Strawberry: A simple yet pretty pincushion you can attach to scissor handles, a rotary cutter, whatever else you like.


Leather Bottom: Includes a pattern for the leather bottom piece.
Spring Hats embellished with embroidery floss and seed beads.
Spring Hats embellished with embroidery floss and seed beads.


Ornate Frame Pincushion
Quick-pieced: Lovely square pincushion with a pieced top in colorful fabrics and a button center (one button on either side).
Quick-pieced: Lovely square pincushion with a pieced top in colorful fabrics and a button center (one button on either side).


Whimsical Star:
Coordinating fabrics cut in diamond shapes are pieced & sewn
together, pom-pom trim is added at each point and a fabric covered
button is sewn in the center.
Thread Caddy & Pin Holder: Six little pockets to hold thread, the center is stuffed and used as a pincushion. Tutorial available via free pdf download.
Thread Caddy & Pin Holder: Six little pockets to hold thread, the center is stuffed and used as a pincushion. Tutorial available via free pdf download.

Ashley from Make it and Love It Pincushion
Fried Egg & other Pincushion Ideas

Handy Dandy Bottlecap Pincushion
Thimble pincushion
How to Sew a Jester Hat Threadcatcher
Making a Wrist Pincushion "With Heart and Hands"

While previously watching another pincushion challenge going around blogland, I was motivated by the dilapidated condition of my own favorite wrist pincushion, to make a new one...and this time take photos of the process!
I especially love this creation, which I designed several years ago, because it also works as a wrist protector/support band for my over-used wrist and its issues ;) It can be made with either one very wide piece of elastic inserted inside (like my original version) or with channels that hold several thinner rows of elastic (like I had...pardon the pun...on hand) to use here.

Tutorial Here:
Making a Wrist Pincushion "With Heart and Hands"
Lots more links to wrist pincushions:
Doll Wristlet & Ring
Flower Pincushion
Flower Wrap
Handy Dandy
Hexie Caddy
Off Set Wristlet
Machine Flower
Pretty Purse
Puffy Wrist
Put a Ring on it!
Scrappy Arm Rest
Sewing Caddy
Stylish Wristlet
Thumb Ring
Wrist Magnet
Flower Pincushion
Flower Wrap
Handy Dandy
Hexie Caddy
Off Set Wristlet
Machine Flower
Pretty Purse
Puffy Wrist
Put a Ring on it!
Scrappy Arm Rest
Sewing Caddy
Stylish Wristlet
Thumb Ring
Wrist Magnet

Download this Project

Pansy Pincushion Pattern by Jean Wells
Patchwork Pincushion Tutorial
Pedestal Pincushions
Pin Box

Pear pincushion tutorial
Apple pincushion tutorial
- Acorns and Leaves Scissor Fob
- Alphabets for Personalizations
- Baseball Charts
- Best Mom Needleroll
- Busy Bees Needlework Set - Needlecase
- Busy Bees Needlework Set - Pincushion
- Busy Bees Needlework Set - Scissor Case and Fob
- Cheetah/Leopard Biscornu
- Cheetah/Leopard Needle Case
- Cheetah/Leopard Print Scissor Fob
- Cheetah/Leopard Scissors Case
- Cheetah/Leopard Scissors Fob New
- Coffee Break Scissor Fob

Pinchushion/Threatchatcher with straps
Pincushion/Thread catcher with lining
Pincushion and Fabric Threadbin
Threadcatcher/pincushion from Lauralynn
tutorial - shrink plastic toppers for sewing pins
Pretty Little Purse Pincushion Tutorial
Weighted pincusion, button on threadcatcher pdf download, detachable scrap bag on it
Free Pansy Pincushion Pattern by Jean Wells, Sisters OR
Pincushion sewing kit
Pincushion Tutorial from May Britt at Abyquilt
Ring Pincushion
Seminole Patchwork Hanging Heart Pincushion etc. from Sewing.org
Small Wonder Pin Blossom
Small Wonder Pincushion from Quiltmaker
Teacup and Saucer Pincushion
Monkeyroom threadnest pincushion

Homespun Hearts Pincushions Pattern
Free Pincushion Pattern
Beaded Stilleto (beautiful fabric guiding stick to push fabric along as you sew) Design by Mary Tosch, pdf from Bonnie Hunter/Quiltville.com
Homespun Hearts Pincushion from Fat Quarter Shop
Pretty Trivet Pincushion from DIY
Small Wonder Pincushion from Quiltmaker
Tomato Pincusions from Martha Stewart
Tomato Pincushion put atop a jar!
Trivet Pincushion from DIY
Turn a Barette into a Pincusion from DIY
Walnut Shell Pincushion
Wool Crazy Pincushion Base
Lookie what she made: Needle organizer and scrap catcher
Tutorial: Make a thread catcher pincushion pdf download
Tutorial: Thread catcher fabric basket

Armrest pincushion/caddy from Maureen

Armchair sewing caddy from About.com
Armchair sewing caddy from HugnKisses...
thanks to Helen..download all pdf pattern pages on her linked site
Tutorial: Sewing caddy with removable pincushion
Tutorial: Remote control organizer for your couch

Wrist Pincushions Tutorial -both magnetic & regular options : from Michele ,this blog tute

Wrist Pincushion Tutorial sheet shown above

Instructables:wrist pincushion
Homespun Hearts Pincushion from Fat Quarter Shop
Pretty Trivet Pincushion from DIY
Small Wonder Pincushion from Quiltmaker
Tomato Pincusions from Martha Stewart
Tomato Pincushion put atop a jar!
Trivet Pincushion from DIY
Turn a Barette into a Pincusion from DIY
Walnut Shell Pincushion
Wool Crazy Pincushion Base
In this youtube tutorial, "The Chicken Pincushion", from the Missouri Quilt Company, Jenny demonstrates how to make an adorable pincushion that can be customized to fit your own style.
Everyone loves this little chicken not only because it’s quick and easy to put together, but also because it is a great project to use up leftover charms or orphan blocks. Click HERE now to watch The Chicken Pincushion Tutorial!
Or click here, if you're on metered Internet or just prefer a free printable pattern. There are so many of them, but do remember that it took a very long time and the passing of its inventor to come into the free share ware world of free quilting and project tutorials.
So, many quilters take other's patterns and pass them off as their own on the Interent that it's always important to give credit where credit is due and almost nothing is original anymore! Someone has created it before you ever did!
With Heart and Hands: Free Sewing Accessories Patterns: Updated 2014:
Free Sewing Accessories: Patterns, Tutorials, Ideas and Links!

Singer Featherweight: Sewing Accessories (small mat and a snippets bag) Tutorial
I've made my own sewing machine pocket mats, magnetic wrist pincushions and wrist protectors, pincushions, pattern weights, snippets threadcatchers, roll-up scissors holders and many different sized tote bags for quilting supplies.
But I must confess, I do so love making Sewing Accessories of all kinds!
Michele Bilyeu blogs With Heart and Hands as she shares a quilting journey through her life in Salem, Oregon and Douglas, Alaska. Sewing, quilting, and wildcrafting, with small format art quilts, prayer flags, and comfort quilts for a variety of charitable programs. And best of all, sharing thousands of links to Free Quilt and Quilt Block Patterns and encouraging others to join her and make and donate quilts to charitable causes. Help us change the world, one little quilt at a time!