adjective as originally described, published, and illustrated at
1) rickety, shaky, wobbly, wonky; inclined to shake as from weakness or defect;
"a rickety table"; "a wobbly chair with shaky legs"; "the ladder felt a
little wobbly"; "the bridge still stands though one of the arches is
2) askew, awry(p), cockeyed, lopsided, wonky, skew-whiffturned or twisted toward one side;
Great List of Wonky, Free-Pieced, or Liberated Quilt Block Patterns, Techniques or Ideas:
A is For Alphabet by Lynne of the Patcherie Menagerie...learn the ABC's of piecing letters!
*All Red Letter Challenge and Learn Alphabet Letters Posts from Lynne
Asterisks by Tonya Ricucci
Baskets from Basket Full of Scraps by Sujata
How to Construct a Wonky or Liberated Basket Block
Be Still My Heart Quilt Tutorial by Jacquie Gehring of Tallgrass Prairie
Birds, Free Piecing Tutorial by Lynne of Patchery Menagerie
Broken Cogs Quilt Tutorial by Jacquie of Tallgrass Prairie
Butterflies, Wonky Free Piecing Tutorial by Lynne
Butterfly BlockTutorial by Mrs. Schmenkman Quilts
Charming Butterfly Blocks by Ferne
Chickens 2 Chickens3 and Rooster ideas for making them, from Joyce of J's Quilts
Our Dear Liberated Friend, Rosalyn Manese's Churn Dash Quilt for her Grandson Jacob. We miss you, Roz!

Churn Dash..liberate that block!
Churn Dash by Sew JOY Creations
Crazy Nine-Patch Lattice Quilt by Oh! Fransson
Wonky Cross Block Sew-Along « Sew,Mama,Sew! Blog
Cross Blocks by Lollyquiltz
Crumb Chaos from Patti at Quilting... is Still My Passion
*Crumb Quilting from Jo with astart to finish tutorial
Crumby Heart Tutorial from Tonya
Curved strip piecing tutorial by Brenda of Strips and Strings
Disappearing 9-Patch with Pieced Hearts by Block'n Swaps
*Flying Geese...liberated and free pieced from scraps shared With Heart and Hands
Pieced Chevron...A Tutorial by Jacquie of Tallgrass Prairie
Free Pieced Flower by Sarah (Kromama)
Free Pieced Heart by Sharon of Indigo Threads
Free Pieced Letters by Brenda of Scraps and Strings
Free Pieced Rose Tutorial shared With Heart and Hands
*Free Piecing People/a girl
Fungly Challenge from Tonya Ricucci
Goats,Cows and Pigs from Joyce
Gwen Marston's Variable Star quilt block pattern:
Printer Friendly Version
Hand Quilting without a Hoop
Heart by Tonya Ricucci
Heart...Liberated and Wonky by Sharon of Indigo Threads
Heart...Another technique in piecing by Sarah, House of Krom
Houses by Tonya Ricucci, the Unruly Quilter
*Houses, wonky and liberated ideas from free web images
*Japanese x tutorial: Setsuko Inagawa quilt
*Lego Quilt Tutorial by Tonya
Liberated Flower: The Rose: Free-Piecing Roses by Michele from With Heart and Hands
Wonky, Liberated, Variable, or Maverick Stars....
*Liberated and Wonky Flying Geese by Michele With Heart and Hands
*Liberated Pineapples from Yarn, Dogs, and a Few Weirdos....see photo below for wonky pineapple
Letters. . . We've Got Letters by Sharon of Indigo Threads
Liberated Amish 2010 Get Together
Liberated Basket ..Gwen Marston idea, now in lovely baskets of all kinds!
Liberated Spiderweb block - no paper
Mary Quilts Wonky Rails from Maryquilts.com
Modern Quilt Guild: Free ideas, tutorials, challenges and fun!
Modern Monday Quilt Along by Carroll...ongoing block tutes , great fun!
Modern and Other Generation X Quilt Block Patterns and Tutorials from GenX Quilters
Monkey Wrench or Churn Dash or Shoo Fly...
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | Wonky Fly Directions |
Churn Dash..liberate that block!
Orphans Blocks Tutorial by Finn, Pieces from My Scrapbag
People from Sarah House of Krom
Pocket Change Quilt Pattern download from Jacquie Gehring
Red Cross Block Tutorial by Camp Follower Bags
Scrappy Heart (6 inch) Quiltingabout.com
Scrappy Pieced Heart into a Liberated logs quilt
Liberated Shoo Fly Block courtesy of
Debbie, The Traveling Quilter
(The 'Shoo Fly' is the same as the
Monkey Wrench and the Churn Dash..see how to links for them or just
wonkify this pattern above and right)
Monkey Wrench and the Churn Dash..see how to links for them or just
wonkify this pattern above and right)
Debbie writes:
"Purposely uneven triangles, giving each block a different personality.
All Shoo Fly blocks have the same star fabric in the center, which provided the color scheme.
designed the quilt to be male-appropriate, and it turns out boys'
quilts are in need at the orphanage where the quilt is headed."
designed the quilt to be male-appropriate, and it turns out boys'
quilts are in need at the orphanage where the quilt is headed."
Star, Wonky or Liberated!...The Silly BooDilly: Wonky Star Tutorial
thesillyboodilly.blogspot.com/2009/02/wonky-star-tutorial.htmlString Fish Aquarium by Ruthie
Strings ~ Hearts from Mary at MaryQuilts.com
Sarah London's Selvage Star tutorial is a 28 page PDF
Selvage Spider Web tutorial by Jacquie of Tallgrass Prairie
Selvage Spools...The Tutorial! by Jacquie
Slash and Stack Wonky Blocks from Blocks n Swaps
Spinning Spirals of large flowers
Square in Square by Quilt Dad
Use the "Square in a Square and watch it get turned into those boxed up Bentos by Michele of With Heart and Hands
With Heart and Hands: Bento Box Quilt Tutorial
Strings ~ Marys Patriotic Star from Maryquilts.com
String Quilting:Tutorial and Free Patterns
Taking the Leap Challenge from Tonya Ricucci
Teapots from Tonya
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | TIc-Tac-Toe Directions |
Tic-Tac-Toe (8 inch) from Sophie at Sophie's Junction
Tiny Wonky (Maverick) Stars by Bonnie Hunter
Trees - easy freestyle trees by Jean Sophie
Trees 2 - adding complexity
Twinkle, Twinkle, Wonky Star from Sew Take a Hike
Wacky Nine Patch...Allsorts uses a cutting technique like the one on Georgia Bonesteele
Wavy Nine Patch by Debbie, The Traveling Quilter
Waverunner by Victoria at Bumble Beans
Wavy Seams Log Cabin from Pink Chalk Studio
Whacky Baskets by Sara from Sara's Scraps
Wonky butterfly by Lynn at the Patcherie Menagerie

Wonky or Liberated Churn Dash Block
Wonky Cross Block Sew-Along « Sew,Mama,Sew! Blog
Wonky Cross by Elizabeth of Oh Fransson!Wonky Flying Geese by Michele Bilyeu
*Wonky heart by BModern
Wonky heart by Tonya Ricucci
Wonky Shoo Fly by Sophie
Wonky Scrappy I Spy log cabin by Sarah, Kromama
Wonky Star Tutorial
Wonky Squares by Deborah at the Pilgrim's Quilts
Wonky Drunkard's Path from Quilting About.com
Wonky Houses by Tonya, the Unruly Quilter pdf
Wonky/improvisational log cabins from Jenny at Blempgorf
Wonky log cabin by Jacquie at Tallgrass Prairie
Wonky or Maverick Star by Victoria The Silly Boo Dilly
*Wonky Stars by Beth
Wonky, Wacky Nine Patch
Wonky RWB Rails (PDF file) by Maryquilts
*Wonky Seams block from Pink Chalk Studio
Wonky Star Block from The Silly Boo Dilly
*Wonky Star Ring Tutorial by Zonnah
Wonky Shoo Fly from Sophie's Junction
Wonky Spools from Quilter's Cache
Wonky Squares-in-Squares Block from Quilt Dad
Wonkytown from Tonya Ricucci

Houses, wonky and liberated ideas from free web images
WonkyTown - UnRuly Quilter
Liberated Quilting Blog
Liberated Quilters Yahoo Chat Group
Liberated Quilters Blog & Liberated Quilters Message Board Quilt for AAQI
Houses, wonky and liberated ideas from free web images
Wonky Tidbits:
Tonya Ricucci, the Unruly Quilter
Bonnie K. Hunter, Quiltville: Strings and Crumbs
HeartStrings Quilt Project
Advice from Tonya Riccuci, The Unruly Quilter:
UnRuly Piecing Basics - UnRuly Basics Pdf
Advice from Sophie's Junction:
Three Ways to Wonkify a Traditional Quilt BlockButterfly block tutorial
Dori's Alphabet is paper pieced, but the same idea can be used with free piecing. Dori posted her alphabet at the Quilter Community back in 2006 and I loved it before I even knew what wonky liberated free piecing was! Click on the her name above to link up to that series.
Rumi sells the patterns for this set for a small fee of less than $10
Strip Piecing Letters:
Learn by watching the Progress:
Letters. . . We've Got Letters by Sharon of Indigo Threads
Strip Pieced Letters by Brenda of Strips and Strings
Letters by Lynne of the Patchery Menagerie
*Wonky Alphabet Letters Lynne's fabulous work...check her letters in progress
*Strip Piecing Blocks: Learn from Sarah and Molly..liberated block a month
- intro
- jan - mondo bird
- jan - log cabin house
- feb - heart
- march - girl + star
- april - shoofly
- may - flower
- may - tree
- june - cross/plus
- july - wonky house
- july - basket
Quilting Tips
Organic Line Quilting by Jacquie of Tallgrass Prairie
Photos and ideas:
I Have Become an Unruly Humbug!...join Tonya's challenge
Splat!...free pieced fly swatter
Wordplay...word play
Flickr: Free Pieced Quilting Pool
Liberated Amish Challenge 2010
Tonya Riccuci's Fall/Winter Class of 2007
House, Home and Pantry - Fall 2008
Want to try some letters but not sure how to start?
Check out some liberated quilting of the alphabet from other quilters in the past: Dori Hawks created a liberated letters Alphabet Quilt
back in 2003. Dori foundation pieced, and many find it helpful to start
there, at least by looking at the lines and of course, it ends up
'looking' liberated.
Become even more liberated with Tonya Ricucci's creative approach her new book Word Play.
Tonya sets the standard for making pieced letters, words, and quilts by
simply getting the idea on graph paper but cutting out, and free-piecing
the letters! Her books shows just how to do it!
Want to see Lynne putting her words into action as she makes the "Red Letter Alphabet"?
Check them all out at her site, or just look up the letter you're having trouble with for other ways of making them..one by one.
Red Letter Quilt Along by Lynne Tyler of
The Patchery Menagerie
- A is for Alphabet
- B - the letter B
- C - i c u !
- D is for Dots
- E-Easy Peasy
- Fortunate F
- G Whiz
- H is for Hooray!
- I is for Imagination
- J is for Jewel
- K is for Kumquat
- L is for Lynne
- M is for Monday
- Nth Degree
- O... the Possibilities
- My Favorite P
- Q
- R is for Rules
- S is for Summer!
- T is for Teach!
- Hey U!
- V
- The Big W
- XXX...
- Y Me?
- Z is for Zebra
However, if you need that in between place for the concepts, you can
look at or try other 'starter' ideas to get you going. Again,
foundation or paper pieced....but try just looking at it and making it
without using any kind of pattern for the letters:

Denyse Schmidt's Hope Bag
Free download!
From Sujata Shah: The Root Connection
Click on imagea:
Zig Zag: TutorialVictorian Hexagon Quiltalong
Books of Interest:

Liberated String Quilts
Gwen Marston

Liberated Quiltmaking
Gwen Marston

Freddy & Gwen Collaborate Again: Freewheeling Twists on Traditional Quilt Designs
Freddy Moran, Gwen Marston

The Quilts of Gee's Bend: Masterpieces from a Lost Place
William Arnett, Alvia Wardlaw, Jane Livingston, John Beardsley

Word Play
Tonya Ricucci
Word Play sets the standard for making pieced letters, words and quilts.

Mary Lou Weidman...learn to make pieced chickens, cats, cakes, ice cream cones, princesses, angels, purple cows and so much more!
Modern: free patterns, tutorials, links etc.

Visit www.themodernquiltguild.com
Tutorials from the Modern Quilt Guild.
Modern Monday Quilt Along by Carroll...ongoing block tutes , great fun!
Modern and Other Generation X Quilt Block Patterns and Tutorials from GenX Quilters
Half Rectangle Block by Latifah Saafir
Improv Pineapple Log Cabin Block by Jacquie Gering
Knee Socks Quilt Block by Elizabeth Hartman
Octagonal Orb Block by Elizabeth Hartman
Overlapping Squares Block by Alissa Haight Carlton
Missoni Inspired Quilt by Latifah Saafir
Target Practice Quilt Block by Latifah Saafir
· Wonky Star Tutorial by Silly BooDilly
· Wonky String Block by Malka Dubrawsky
· Nine Patch using “Map of the States” technique by Oh, Fransson
· Churn Dash by Sew JOY Creations
· Cross Blocks by Lollyquiltz
· Square in Square by Quilt Dad
Liberated Quilting
Liberated Quilting Challenge
Liberated Quilting: Free Patterns, Blocks, and Tutorials
Word Play (Quilts)
Please update your link lists from my blogspot address to www.with-heart-and-hands.com
With Heart and Hands
My most popular links to patterns and tutorials:
shown as linking photo: my bug swatter for Tonya Ricucci:
google Liberating Quilting and get:
With Heart and Hands: Liberated Quilting: Free Pieced Blocks ...
with-heart-and-hands.blogspot.com/.../liberated-quilting-blocks-letter...Sep 5, 2010 – See all of our quilts at: Liberated Quilting Challenge. Great List of Wonky, Free-Pieced, or Liberated Quilt Block Patterns, Techniques or Ideas: ... Wonky or Liberated Quilting..Free Patterns, Tutorials, Ideas
with-heart-and-hands.blogspot.com/.../wonky-or-liberated-quiltingfr...Unlike traditional quilting where one simply followed patterns and used templates, liberated quilting is more about the free piecing of non-traditional elements ... Liberated — Fresh Lemons Modern Quilts
www.freshlemonsquilts.com/?tag=liberatedJul 17, 2012 – Sarah has since developed a fantastic quilt pattern using these liberated churn dash blocks! Her pattern is 22 pages, full of color photos and ...
Free Quilt and Quilt Block Patterns: Liberated or Improvisational ...
freequiltpatterns.blogspot.com/.../liberated-quilting-free-ideas-pattern...Aug 25, 2012 – Liberated or Improvisational Quilting: Free Ideas, Patterns, and Tutorials. wonky: adjective 1) rickety, shaky, wobbly, wonky; inclined to shake as ...
AAQI Liberated Quilting Challenge
liberatedquiltingchallenge.blogspot.com/3 days ago – Sharing thousands of links to Free Quilt and Quilt Block Patterns and encouraging others to join in the Liberated Quilting Challenge and make ...Liberated Quiltmaking: Gwen Marston: 9780891458784 - Amazon.com
www.amazon.com › ... › Crafts & Hobbies › Quilts & QuiltingREVIEW: "Her 'liberated quiltmaking' is the making of utility quilts (quilts meant to be used, not just exhibited) without templates or patterns or even necessarily a ...Quilt designs - Making Scrap Quilts from Stash
blog.maryquilts.com/category/quilt-designs/Nov 24, 2012 – Archive for the 'Quilt designs' Category ... Hopefully having a plan for the next quilt will motivate me to finish the log cabin top but I've also got ...
Michele Bilyeu Quilts With Heart and Hands for the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) Join in my Liberated Quilting Challenge...and buy or donate a quilt, today!! We are changing the world...one little quilt at a time.Michele Bilyeu blogs With Heart and Hands as she shares a quilting journey through her life in Salem, Oregon and Douglas, Alaska. Sharing thousands of links to Free Quilt and Quilt Block Patterns and encouraging others to join in the Liberated Quilting Challenge and make or donate small art quilts to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) Help us change the world, one little quilt at a time!