
Christmas Creations from Old Quilts

It's so lovely to use and reuse all of the favorite holiday treasures, both old and new! Because once we've created or used it, it carries the love and the heart and the hands of everyone who has loved it, touched it, or kept its memories in their own hearts!

Old quilts are often given new lives and fresh beginnings. Shown here is my favorite Christmas Angel. She hangs in my sewing nook year round and is a reminder of the constancy of life and how no matter what happens to any of us or our, love, and blessings go on!

  click to see my collection of darling ideas!

Christmas Creations from Old Quilts

Michele Bilyeu blogs With Heart and Hands as she shares a quilting journey through her life in Salem, Oregon and Douglas, Alaska. Sewing, quilting, and wildcrafting, with small format art quilts, prayer flags, and comfort quilts for a variety of charitable programs. And best of all, sharing thousands of links to Free Quilt and Quilt Block Patterns Help us change the world, one little quilt at a time!