In honor of October being 'Breast Cancer Awareness' and "Think Pink" month, I have updated my free quilt, and quilt ribbons patterns with the addition of links to free patterns for chemotherapy caps, pillows, and breast and arm comfort pouches patterns.
My collage at the top shows a quilt that I made for my mom using a photo transfer process that I blog at on my primary blog, and one of the always popular pink ribbon fleece blankets that I also made for her. (see Freezer Paper Photo Transfer for that technique)
I blog about that time on my personal blog With Heart and Hands, where I also offer a multitude of free quilt patterns, and all of the photo tutorials from my own quilting and sewing that led to this blog as a place to store my links and blog posts in their own right. Feel free to become a follower on that blog as I share my own personal journey with my readers.
Think Pink and make something special for someone you love!

October is national breast cancer awareness month and around the globe, women everywhere are celebrating their lives and their survival from this devastating disease. We all know someone who has battled the challenges of cancer, but the devastating effects of breast cancer on a woman and the incredible journey of survival is a testimony to the courage and strength that is carried within.
Hard Rock(Cafe) International announced the launch of "Pinktober” – a month-long initiative to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research through a series of live music events started out as ‘Rocktober’ in Europe in 2005 and grew into a global campaign, brings some of the world’s best live music to small and intimate surroundings. The series of events support local breast cancer charities across the world, and proceeds from each event throughout the month goes to the chosen charities.
It's good to remember that any quilt or quilt block pattern can be transformed into a breast cancer awareness or comfort quilt just by the selection of color...pinks, roses, the peachy ballet pinks, and so on. But these blocks, quilts and patterns have been specifically designed for that purpose, so their energy is one of joy and love and intent for a cure for this disease. I also am including some really fun small projects that make wonderful gifts for those battling any illness.
String Pieced Prayer Pocket Pillow designed by Michele Bilyeu
Heartstrings and Prayers for any time they are needed. A little pocket in the back for a note of support and love.
Make Breast Cancer Comfort Pillows for anyone who needs a little love.
These are also wonderful for those recuperating from chest surgery of any kind, as one does after Cardiac Surgery etc. See, my pieced pillows or make your own from solid fabric or fleece using my link above.
My Prayer Flags: The simplest of prayer flags, made with raw edges of fabric and strings to flutter in the winds of time. Inkjet printing on my home computer. Prayer flags are meant to be unfinished and imperfect..just like our own lives. And they are meant to be light so they can flutter and float as the winds carry our prayers to all corners of this world and beyond.

Other links and tutorials that I have created that can be useful for patients or as gifts or gift bags:
With Heart and Hands:
Cancer Ribbons, quilts etc
Pink Ribbons Quilt Blocks or Quilts for Breast Cancer Awareness:Breast Cancer Pillow by Kaye Wood pdf
Cotton Spice :download PDF pattern: Square in square/rail fence around pink ribbon.
Cure Inspired Quilt
Heartstrings Quilt Project October_Project_Pink3.pdf
Make Mine Pink, Please (Scrappy Stars with Pieced Pink Ribbon Label)pdf
Pink Chalk Studio: Square fence block-2.pdf
Pink Ribbon Comfort Pillow
Pink Ribbon Block
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Connecting Threads has available a free tutorial to make paper-pieced Pink Ribbon Pins.
Help raise awareness by sewing this simple quilted ribbon for your family, co-workers, and friends. Two sizes are available: large pin is 3″ x 4″ and the small pin 2 1/4″ x 3″.
Ribbon Quilt Block
Pink Ribbon and Soaring Past Time
Pink Ribbons: A Contrary Wife Quilt Top
Quilt of Many Ribbons (rail fence w. appliqued pink ribbon in center)
Rosie's Pink Ribbon Quilt
String Pieced Prayer Pocket Pillow
Think Pink
Pink Ribbons Quilt Blocks or Quilts for Breast Cancer Awareness:Cancer Ribbon Quilt Block
Patchwork Hearts Quilt Block and Quilt Patterns Forum members designed this pretty 6" heart block for a 2008 swap, and it's a natural for a Thinking Pink, for a loved one's Valentine's Day wallhanging or baby quilt. The block is assembled with quick piecing techniques.
Easy to make. instructions and yardage for a small heart wallhanging on the last page of the pattern.
Cotton Spice :download PDF pattern: Square in square/rail fence around pink ribbon.
Heartstrings Quilt Project October_Project_Pink3.pdf
Make Mine Pink, Please (Scrappy Stars with Pieced Pink Ribbon Label)pdf

Spring Ribbons Quilt
Pink Chalk Studio: Square fence block-2.pdf

Pink Ribbon Comfort with Connecting Threaders order or make yourself; Post surgery support
Making a Heart Shaped Pillow
Anti-Ouch Pouch - American Sewing a hanging purse under your arm, only its a pillow that eases pain as you move around ; free pdf just click on it's hyperlink to download
Pink Ribbon Block

Pink Warrior from Fat Cat Quilts and Patterns...check out her wonderful site!!
Ribbon Butterfly from Fat Cat...check her out!

Think Pink (ribbon and hearts)
Tudor Rose Garden
Quilt Pink Squares Lap Quilt

Paper-Pieced Pink Ribbon: designed by Carol Doak for Mimi Dietrich's Pink Ribbon Quilts book back in 1999 and made available by Carol for others to use as a free download.The block is made in two halves to make a 6" finished block
Click to download the pdf
Heart With A Ribbon from Carol Doak:
The crossed ribbon has become the symbol for support of many causes. The pink ribbon symbol supports breast cancer awareness. This block shows both love and support by having the ribbon placed inside the heart. The pdf file is a 3" finished size paper-pieced block (two on a page) and the second page contains the cutting list for one block. This block is for personal use only.
Click to download the pdf
Ribbon Quilt Block
by Dori Hawks
posted: 8/24/2003

Rays of Hope Carol Doak designed this wall quilt for a class on an Alaskan Cruise for a Cure (Breast Cancer) Click to download the pdf
Breast Cancer (and other Cancers) Awareness Ribbon Quilt Blocks

Cancer Awareness Patterns: free for personal use by Angie Padilla

In honour of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Connecting Threads has available a free tutorial to make paper-pieced Pink Ribbon Pins.Help raise awareness by sewing this simple quilted ribbon for your family, co-workers, and friends. Two sizes are available: large pin is 3″ x 4″ and the small pin 2 1/4″ x 3″.

use together to make a quilt
Pink Ribbon and Soaring Past Time

Pink Ribbons: A Contrary Wife Quilt Top

Quilt of Many Ribbons from Humblebee

Rosie's Pink Ribbon of Concern Quilt
Think Pink (McCalls now requires a free sign up and then the search)
Patchwork Cancer Ribbon Quilt BlockCancer Ribbon ColorsShow Us Your Awareness Quilts
Helpful Web Sites Breast Cancer Home Page
Sewing for Cancer Pations, from
SewingCrafting for the Cure to Support Survivors, from Breast Cancer
During Breast Cancer Awareness month, we see pink ribbons everywhere, and most of us know that this color represents breast cancer awareness.
But you might not be as familiar with the other ribbon colors that are used to promote awareness for the other cancers.
It's just as important to remember all of those we love, who face challenges from other forms of cancer, and to create not only increased awareness for those diseases...but to create comfort quilts or pillows for them, as well.
Free Cancer Awareness Click Pattern: Download the PDF similar to a bow tie or a signature pattern block made into a quilt with any colors

Cancer Ribbon Quilt Block Templates list of colors for each cancer at bottom of these lists
What the colors of ribbons signify support for:
Amber Ribbon: Appendix Cancer
Black Ribbons: Melanoma, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, sleep disorder, Primary Billiary Cirrhosis,
Brown Ribbons: Anti-tobacco, colorectal cancer
Burgundy or Maroon:, multiple myeloma, cesarian sections, headaches and migraines, adhesions, thrombophilia and other coagulation or blood factor disorders, meningitis, polio survivor, Post-Polio Syndrome, Hughes Syndrome, brain aneurysm, Hirschsprung's Disease (Congenital Megacolon), children undiagnosed or misdiagnosed with rare disorders or diseases, amyloidosis, hemangioma.
(Dark) Blue Ribbons: Colon Cancers
Blue Ribbons: Histiocytosis Awareness, Child Abuse Awareness
Child abuse prevention, arthritis, gout, colon cancer, Dysautonomia, hystiocytosis, histiocytosis, Erb's Palsy, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), ke, dystonia, interstitial cystitis, bracial plexus injury, Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) , Alopecia, Reyes Syndrome, Steven Johnson Syndrome, short bowel syndrome, Myositis, Leukodystrophy, Huntington's Disease, Malaria, Syringomyelia, Neurofibromatosis, , Cri du Chat Syndrome, Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome, polio awareness, Primary Immunodeficiency Disease, Sensory Processing Disorder (reflex blue shade), Angelman Syndrome, Von Hippel-Lindau
Denim and denim fabric: Rare Disease Awareness
(Light) Blue: Prostrate Cancer
Burgundy: Multiple Myeloma
Gold Ribbons: Childhood Cancer
Gray Ribbons: Diabetes & Brain Cancer
(Silver) Gray Ribbons: Parkinson's Disease
Green Ribbons:
Kidney,Liver, Gallbladder/Bile Duct Cancer, Lyme Disease, Lymphoma
Kidney Cancer,Liver Cancer, Gallbladder/Bile Duct Cancer, Lyme Disease, Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Lyme Disease, Muscular Dystrophy, Ivemark Syndrome, Sandhoff Disease,
Forest Green: Liver Cancer & Hepatitis, Tissue and organ transplants, depression (both adults and children), bipolar disorder, mental health, mental illness, eye injuries, Tourette's Syndrome, Fanconi's Syndrome, Von Hippel Lindau, glaucoma, Fibrodysplasia Ossificans, neural tube defects, Mitochondrial Disease, , Cerebral Palsy, Neurofibromatosis, Lissencephally, Cornelia de Lange Syndrome,
Lt. Green: Pelvic Pain (chronic), Celiac Disease, STD Awareness, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)
Cream (cream wouldn't show here) but these should be cream colored: Cervical Cancer,Liver Cancer & Hepatitis Cream: Paralysis, spinal cord injuries, spinal diseases or disorders, Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
Teal green or teal green and white together: Cervical Cancer
Jade Or Emerald Ribbons: Liver Cancer & Hepatitis
Green/Blue Ribbons: Mental Heath Awareness, interstitial cystitis (IC Network designation),, Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH), green-blue or turquoise with a zipper
Global Chiari Malformation Awareness
Gray Ribbons: Diabetes, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, brain cancer, glioblastoma, Parkinson's, asthma, allergies,
Jigsaw Puzzle Ribbons: Autism
Lace Ribbons: Osteoporosis
Lavender: General Cancer
Lime Green Ribbons: Lyme Disease, Lymphoma
Maroon Ribbons: Mulitple Melanoma
Orange Ribbons: Leukemia, Multiple Sclerosis, Kidney Cancer, self injury, reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), skin cancer (with a sun in the center of the loop), Deep Vein Thrombosis, Agent Orange Exposure
Orchid Ribbons: Testicular Cancer
Periwinkle Ribbons: Hypertensionm Stomach Cancer, Esophageal Cancer,Eating disorders, pulmonary hypertension, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, GERD, IBS
Peach Ribbons: Uterine Cancer Endometrial Cancer, Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
Pearl Ribbons: Lung Cancer Pink Ribbons: Breast Cancer, cleft palate disorder
PINK RIBBON: Breast Cancer
(Hot) Pink: Inflammatory breast cancer...rarer form
Pink,Purple and Teal Ribbons: Thyroid Cancer
Purple Ribbons:
Pancreatic, Prostrate,Testicular,Leiomyosarcoma,Alzheimer's/Dementia, and Fibromyalgia, pancreatic cancer, Chron's Disease and colitis, cystic fibrosis, leimyosarcoma, macular degeneration, Sjogren's Syndrome, fibromyalgia, lupus, sarcoidosis, the homeless, Mucolipidoses, thyroid cancer, ADD,ADHD, Arnold Chiari Malformation, Mucopolysaccharidosis, Hurler Syndrome, childhood or pediatric stroke
Red Ribbons:AIDS/HIV,Heart Disease,Alcohol, tobacco, and drug prevention awareness, MADD, DARE, Epidermolysis Bullosa, Disaster relief, Stroke, supraventicular tachycardia, Wolff-parkinson-White Syndrom (WPW), Pro-life, hypertension, Evans Syndrome, Vasculitis, Wegeners Granulomatosis
Silver Ribbons: Parkinson's Disease
Sky Blue Ribbons: Prostate Cancer
Teal Green: Cervical Cancer, Ovarian Cancer (some cross over of these previous two colors) Liver Cancer & Hepatitis, Tissue and organ transplants, depression (both adults and children), bipolar disorder, mental health, mental illness, eye injuries, Tourette's Syndrome, Fanconi's Syndrome, Von Hippel Lindau, glaucoma, Fibrodysplasia Ossificans, neural tube defects, Mitochondrial Disease, , Cerebral Palsy, Neurofibromatosis, Lissencephally, Cornelia de Lange Syndrome, Ovarian, cervical, uterine (all gynecological) Myasthenia Gravis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, agoraphobia, panic or stress disorders (includes PTSD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Fragile X, Batten Disease, Tourette's Syndrome (TSA designation)
Teal green or teal and white together: Cervical Cancer
White Ribbons: Bone Cancer, diabetes, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, sexual assault of students, retinal blastoma, blindness, carbon monoxide poisoning (CO poisoning), postpartum depression, survivors, Scoliosis, white ribbon with a knot tied in the middle for marriage equality, Gay-teen suicide
Yellow Ribbons: Sarcoma..bone cancer, spina biffida, endometriosis, sarcoma (with or without a sunflower), myxoid liposarcoma, bladder cancer, liver disease, liver cancer, cholangiocarcinomas, hydrocephalus or hydrocephaly, carbon monoxide poisoning, Ewing's sarcoma, chondrosarcoma
- Click to download the free printable(s):

Extra: Red dresses for Heart Disease
(image for making a chemo cap from google free images)

Red Heart Yarn Free Chemo Cap Pattern shown above:
Red Heart Yarn Free Yarn and Shawl Patterns:
Other Sites:
Adult Chemo Hat
Banded Scrub Hat - sewing tutorial
Bandanna with Tails
Chemotherapy Turbans
Chemo Cap - Head Scarf - sewing tutorial
Comfort Caps - sewing pattern for adult and child sizes
Covering our Hair - links to different patterns
Fast and Easy Chemo Cap
Reversible Chemo Hat - sewing pattern
Chemo Cap for Sewing - (pdf file) From the Heart - more patterns here.
Creative Kindness Beret
Creative Kindness Easy Hat
Creative Kindness Easy Hat Variations
Creative Kindness Beret
Headhuggers - sewn, knitted and crocheted patterns
Reversible Chemo Hat
Reversible Fleece Cap
Polar Fleece Beanie
Quick and Easy Beanie
Red Heart Yarn Free Yarn and Shawl Patterns:
Other Sites:
Adult Chemo Hat
Banded Scrub Hat - sewing tutorial
Bandanna with Tails
Chemotherapy Turbans
Chemo Cap - Head Scarf - sewing tutorial
Comfort Caps - sewing pattern for adult and child sizes
Covering our Hair - links to different patterns
Fast and Easy Chemo Cap
Reversible Chemo Hat - sewing pattern
Chemo Cap for Sewing - (pdf file) From the Heart - more patterns here.
Creative Kindness Beret
Creative Kindness Easy Hat
Creative Kindness Easy Hat Variations
Creative Kindness Beret
Headhuggers - sewn, knitted and crocheted patterns
Reversible Chemo Hat
Reversible Fleece Cap
Polar Fleece Beanie
Quick and Easy Beanie
Michele Bilyeu blogs With Heart and Hands as she shares a quilting journey through her life in Salem, Oregon and Douglas, Alaska and all of her AAQI Quilting. Sharing thousands of links to Free Quilt and Quilt Block Patterns and encouraging others to join in the Liberated Quilting Challenge and make or donate small art quilts to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) Help us change the world, one little quilt at a time!