Disappearing Four, Nine, 16 Patches and Twist and Turn Variations
The wonderful " Disappearing Nine Patch"seems to a technique in continual process of new and more involved variations. Simply put, a nine patch block is created and then sliced apart in a myriad of different cuts or with different color arrangements so it literally disappears and is replaced by four smaller units. Apparently, Karin Hallaby, wrote a book in 2002 called "Magic Pillows, Hidden Quilts, which included a Magic Nine Patch quilt made using the same technique that's so popular today.Nancy Brenan Daniel also wrote a book called Disappearing Nine Patch in 2002 but apparently it is quite different from what we are calling that style today. Eventually, an online blog by Helen Bailey, featured a tutorial about her own use of the disappearing nine patch but she referred to it by a different name. The same technique has been called Tossed Nine Patch (by Eleanor Burns) and (possibly) 9 to 4 by other quilters and authors. In my quilt guild, we use a hand drawn pattern and call it 'Fractured 9 Patch'...it all works, and they are basically all the same but variations come with color selections, as well as placement of those colors.
And now of course, we have disappearing 4 patches, 9 patches, and on and on with so many fun and varied improvisations. But just to have a look, check out some of the images and links that I have discovered and create new and easy blocks and quilts of your own!
Let's start with some fun and simple 4 Packs as I share links to some tutorials and some different variations from what you might hink of as a D4P..or Disapearing 4 Patch, as well!
Disappearing 4 Patch..
This version..below.... is great with Charm Packs!
Disappearing 4-Patch from Chock a Block Quilt Blocks..direct link to her blog for the tutorial!
Wonky Disappearing four patch from Beth at Love, Laugh, Quilt
The Disappearing Patch: free quilt patterns, tutorial or photo ideas:
Simplest design and cut:
The wonderful instructions that I personally use..to make my own D9P quilts...thanks to Bonnie our Comfort Quilt Chairperson from our Mid-Valley Quilt Guild, here in Salem, OR
Enlarge the photos of the sheets above and there is also a super cheat sheet for yardage etc!
But for those who need more inspiration...check out these lovely blog links!
Love Laugh Quilt: D9P shown below:
Disappearing 9 Patch
Disappearing Nine Patch
Disappearing 9 Patch/Twist Turn variation
Modern D9P by Kristy Daum
Disappearing 9 Patch tutorial
Another version of the Disappearing 9 Patch tutorial
A different color scheme for the D9P quilt
Disappearing 9-Patch Variation
Disappearing 9-Patch Variation from Chock a Block Quilt Blocks
The Twist and Turn D9P quilt
D9P video & different layout

Wacky 9 Patch
Wavy Nine Patch by Debbie, The Traveling Quilter
Word | PDF
D9P and D4P and Variations!
disappearing rail fence
Maybe Hidden Wells, too.

1. Images for Disappearing 9 Patch..see all the fun variations different fabric can create!
Disappearing Nine Patch - Quilts (beginners)
www.popularpatchwork.com/news/article.asp?a=5294The Disappearing Nine Patch is a simple variation on the traditional nine-patch block. It is very easy to make, and looks impressive when finished. Designed ...Disappearing Nine Patch Quilt Block Tutorial - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEjZOXxPazgApr 24, 2010 - 4 min - Uploaded by MissouriQuiltCo
http://missouriquiltco.com - Jenny shows how to make the fabulous disappearing nine patch quilt block using ...p.s. i quilt: disappearing 9-patch tutorial. {the SUPER easy way.}
www.psiquilt.com/2009/03/disappearing-9-patch-tutorial-super.htmlMar 26, 2009 – you've just made a disappearing 9-patch the SUPER easy way!!! now make 2 more blocks and you can be the proud owner of this... all you ...
Quilts & ATCs: Disappearing 9 Patch Tutorial
quiltsatcs.blogspot.com/2007/04/disappearing-9-patch-tutorial.htmlApr 22, 2007 – The Disappearing 9 Patch block is great. Very easy to make, but looks quite impressive when done! I first discovered it in a book called "Magic ...
A Few Scraps: Double disappearing nine patch
afewscraps.blogspot.com/2011/.../double-disappearing-nine-patch.ht...Aug 15, 2011 – Is "double disappearing nine patch" the right name or is someone out ... omg. i love it! disappearing 9-patch had never appealed to me, but ...Disappearing Nine Patch Quilt Pattern - Disappearing Nine Patch ...
quilting.about.com/od/.../Cookie-Cutter-Nine-Patch-Quilt-Pattern.htmMake a disappearing nine patch quilt using my easy-to-follow instructions. This easy quilt pattern is perfect for quilters of all skill levels, including beginners.FREEBIES FOR CRAFTERS: Disappearing 9-Patch Variation
freebiesforcrafters.blogspot.com/.../disappearing-9-patch-variation.ht...Apr 29, 2012 – Chock-A-Block Quilt Blocks: Disappearing 9-Patch Variation: Disappearing 9-Patch Variation This is another way to transform a 9-patch block ..
Disappearing 9-Patch Quilt Pattern - Patterns / Quilts For Kids- www.quiltsforkids.org/patterns/28/disappearing-9-patch-quilt-pattern/Quilt Patterns. Disappearing 9-Patch Quilt Pattern. Fabric Yardage: Fabric A - 5/8 yard. Fabric B - 3/4 yard. Fabric C - 1/4 yard. Inner Border - 1/4 yard ...
Disappearing 9 Patch Quilt Block - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=clL_nz8J_vgMar 14, 2010 - 2 min - Uploaded by pennyh123Disappearing 9 Patch, Quilt by Sandi, 12 18 10 - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdxHT-VDnLwDec 24, 2010 - 6 min - ...The Peony Teacup: Tutorial: Easy Disappearing 9 Patch Table Runner
thepeonyteacup.blogspot.com/.../tutorial-easy-disappearing-9-patch.h...Obsessively Stitching: Disappearing Nine-Patch: I-Spy Version
obsessivelystitching.blogspot.com/2010/05/disappearing-nine.htmlDisappearing Nine Patch Tutorial
www.joscountryjunction.com/disappearing-nine-patch-tutorial/11. Disappearing Nine Patch Quilt Block Tutorial - YouTube
www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEjZOXxPazgApr 24, 2010 - 4 min - Uploaded by MissouriQuiltCo
http://missouriquiltco.com - Jenny shows how to make the fabulous disappearing nine patch quilt block using ...altered blocks/d9p etc
Disappearing 16 Patch!Happy Quilting Quilt-A-Long Disappearing 16 Patch Instructions